Special group

Throughout the year, we offer various activities for groups of 6 to more than 200 people , around outdoor activities, but also the cultural heritage of our region.

Cohesion day for companies, associations, schools, etc.

Integral organization of cohesion days , depending on the objectives of your structure :

  • Regulatory declarations, organization of schedules, trips, picnics, etc.
  • Supervision of activities by qualified instructors, tour guides.

Example of days organized for different groups:

University (220 people)

  • Hiking carried out by teams of 15-20 people during which each participant discovers 5 activities: zip line, abseiling, canoeing, archery, guided tour of Saint Antonin.
  • Installation and animation of a giant zip line of nearly 300 meters, above a lake, for one day.

Companies (50 to 70 people)

  • Canoe descent by team with sporting challenges on the course.
  • Discovery hike and photo rally - orientation then canoe race.
  • Canoe descent - orientation, etc ...


Bachelor parties (6 to 20 people)

One or more activities over half a day, a day or a weekend: tree climbing, Archery tag, archery, mountain biking, bike and run, orienteering course, etc.

Photo rally

Discovery of the medieval town of St Antonin Noble Val (12th to 18th century), using an orientation game.

  • From photos taken inside the medieval town of Saint Antonin, a map and a multiple-choice questionnaire, discovery of the town in small groups, search for clues.
  • Playful scenarios of gestures of daily life, the facilitator providing additional information on history, architecture and local anecdotes.

Orienteering course

Search for beacons in the countryside, in town, with or without the help of photos, associated with the photo rally in the medieval town.

  • Initiation to the use of map and compass (in the form of a race or not).
  • Adaptation of the activity according to the public, from young children to seniors, from able-bodied people to people with disabilities.

Sensory course

Sensory course on an interpretation trail for able-bodied children (sensitization to touch) and for visually impaired or blind people.